† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11572044) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFC0804705).
Ignition energy is one of the important parameters of flammable materials, and evaluating ignition energy precisely is essential to the safety of process industry and combustion science and technology. By using electric spark discharge test system, a series of electric spark discharge experiments were conducted with the capacitor-stored energy in the range of 10 J, 100 J, and 1000 J, respectively. The evaluation method for energy consumed by electric spark, wire, and switch during capacitor discharge process has been studied respectively. The resistance of wire, switch, and plasma between electrodes has been evaluated by different methods and an optimized evaluation method has been obtained. The electric energy consumed by wire, electric switch, and electric spark-induced plasma between electrodes were obtained and the energy structure of capacitor-released energy was analyzed. The dynamic process and the characteristic parameters (the maximum power, duration of discharge process) of electric spark discharge process have been analyzed. Experimental results showed that, electric spark-consumed energy only accounts for 8%–14% of the capacitor-released energy. With the increase of capacitor-released energy, the duration of discharge process becomes longer, and the energy of plasma accounts for more in the capacitor-released energy. The power of electric spark varies with time as a damped sinusoids function and the period and the maximum value increase with the capacitor-released energy.
An electric spark is an abrupt electrical discharge that occurs when a sufficiently high electric field creates an ionized, electrically conductive channel through a normally-insulating medium, often air or other gases or gas mixtures.[1] The rapid transition from a non-conducting to a conductive state produces a brief emission of light and a sharp crack or snapping sound. A spark is created when the applied electric field exceeds the dielectric breakdown strength of the intervening medium. Electric sparks are widely used in industrial and laboratory to ignite fuel/air mixtures, such as in gas or dust explosion experiments and in inter combustion engine, because the discharge process is ease to control and the electric energy is relatively concentrated.[2–5] And it also has a wide range of applications in aviation, military, metallurgy, chemical industry, and everyday life.[6,7] Electric park energy is an important parameter to evaluate the ignition properties and hazardous characteristics of electric spark.[2,3] And the electric energy of a spark is directly related to the electric resistance and the current through it. The electrical contract resistance of pulse spark plasma sintering machine had been studied by Maniere et al.[8,9] Precise calculation and control of the energy of an electric spark were required for the effectiveness of the ignition process and the safety of industry process. The electric spark discharge process is very complicated as it is related to electrodes spacing, capacitance, resistance, and many other factors. And the electric energy of spark is regarded as the ignition energy of flammable materials. The challenge of our present study is to evaluate the electrical resistances and the energy of an electric spark. Maly et al.[10–13] divided the discharge process into four stages, pre-breakdown phase, breakdown phase, arc phase, and glow phase. Usually the capacitor stored energy was taken as the electric spark energy. In practice, not all the energy stored in capacitor turns into spark energy, most of it is consumed by circuit. In order to calculate spark energy more accurately, a controllable ignition device was established. A series of experiments on electric energy release during capacitor discharge process were conducted. The dynamic characteristics and the structure of electric energy distribution have been studied.
The experimental system includes an electric spark generation system and a measurement system. The electric spark generation system consists of a high-voltage power, an energy storage capacitor bank, an three-pole switch which is controlled by a trigger device, and a pair of tungsten electrodes, as shown in Fig.
In the present study, the dynamic current and voltage were monitored by dynamic sensors of current and voltage respectively. And the data were recorded by a oscilloscope. A typical voltage history of capacitor and current history during the discharge process were shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. Typical histories of voltage and current during capacitor discharge process (capacitor 3.998 μF, charging voltage 11 kV) obtained by the present study. |
Taking the residual energy into account, the energy released during the capacitor discharge process can be obtained by
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Suppose the energy released is completely transformed into heat energy, the total resistance of the spark discharge process can be obtained by
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The resistance of short circuit, Rshort, consists of wire resistance, Rwire, and switch resistance, Rswitch, that is, Rshort = Rwire + Rswitch. Rwire can be obtained by four-wire electric resistance measured method, in our experiment circuit, Rwire = 0.029 Ω. And the short circuit resistance can be obtained by using the histories of voltage and current during the energy release process of the short circuit.
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The resistance of electric spark-induced plasma can be obtained by subscribing the short circuit resistance from the total resistance of the discharge circuit. By Joul’s law, the electric spark energy can be expressed as
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The capacitor-released energy consists of electric spark energy, wire-consumed energy, and switch-consumed energy. And the electric spark energy can transferred into thermal energy and blast wave (shock wave) energy. The blast wave energy can be obtained by the pressure field of shock wave.[20] The percentage of the blast wave energy to the electric spark energy is about 13% for the discharge process of capacitor with a stored energy of 100-J level. And the thermal energy can be obtained by subtract blast wave energy from the electric spark energy. For the discharge process of capacitor stored energy less than 10 J, the blast wave energy can be neglected. In the present study, only the electric spark-released energy is studied.
The dynamic temperature response of an electric spark induced by the discharge processes of capacitors with stored energy in the level of 10 J, 100 J, and 1000 J respectively had been studied.[21] And it was found that the maximum temperature of the electric spark lies between 3060 °C and 3400 °C and the duration of high temperature lies between 22 μs and 203 μs.
In the above method, the capacitor-released energy is divided into electric spark-consumed energy, wire-consumed energy, and switch-consumed energy. To electric spark generation device, the efficiency of the device, φ, is the percentage of electric spark energy to released energy, that is φ = Espark/Erelease. Besides of the electric spark energy, the power of electricity is also an important parameter to the ignition process of fuel/air mixtures. The rate of electric spark energy release can be expressed by electric spark power, that is
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The electric discharge experiments were conducted by using the experimental device described in Subsection
To illustrate the details of energy calculation, a typical energy release process of a capacitor of 3.998-μF was taken as an example. The charging voltage of the capacitor was about 11 kV. And the voltage history of the energy storage capacitor and the typical current history during the capacitor discharge process are shown in Fig.
By using the above-mentioned method, the electric spark-, wire-, and switch-consumed energies can be calculated as follows:
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The energy and the rate of energy release are the main parameters related to electric spark application in industry and scientific research. For an electric spark generated by capacitor discharge device, the characteristic parameters of electric spark are closely related to the circuit of device. During the energy release process of the spark generation device, only a part of the capacitor-released energy is transformed into the electric spark energy, and the others is consumed by wire and switch. In this section, the energy structure of the capacitor-released energy during the capacitor discharge process is studied.
For the calculation of the electric spark energy, three methods, that is ui integration method, Joule’s law method with spark resistance calculated by the parameters of current oscillation, and over all energy conservation method, were compared by Zhang Yunming et al.[14] In their opinion, the Joule’s law method with electric spark resistance calculated by the parameters of current oscillation has more advantages than the other two methods in calculating the electric spark energy. In this paper, Joule’s law has been used to evaluate electric spark energy, wire-consumed energy, and switch-consumed energy with the resistance evaluated by energy conservation law and parameters of current oscillation respectively. The spark energy evaluated by Joule’s law with resistance calculated by energy conservation law and parameters of current oscillation were denoted by Espark1 and Espark2 respectively. The capacitor-released energy and the electric energy evaluated by two different methods described above with the capacitor-stored energy level of 10 J, 100 J, and 1000 J are shown in Fig.
![]() | Table 1.
Energy distribution structure during capacitor discharge process. . |
The variations of electric resistance with charging voltage with different energy levels are shown in Fig.
On the other hand, it can be found that Espark2 > Espark1, and that can be explained by the different methods of spark resistance calculation. In calculation of resistance with parameters of discharge current oscillation, the oscillation and attenuation of current are expressed approximately by exponentially damped sine function, and thus may result in some errors. While in calculation of resistance with energy conservation law, current oscillation from experiment is used, instead of the approximation function. So the resistance calculated by the energy conservation law is more accurate than that calculated by oscillation parameters of discharge current.
To study the structure of the released energy, we calculate the ratios of spark energy, wire-consumed energy, and switch-consumed energy to total release energy respectively. The results are listed in Table
The power of electric spark (
In conclusions, we investigated the evaluations electric resistance during capacitor discharge process based on energy conservation law. With the increases of the capacitor stored energy from 10 J to 1000 J, the total resistance of the discharge circuit decreased from 0.7 Ω to 0.08 Ω while the resistance of the spark-induced plasma decreased from 0.1 Ω to 0.01 Ω. We also calculated the energy consumed by electric spark-induced plasma, wire, and switch and analyzed the energy distribution structure of the capacitor-released energy. Both of the capacitor-released energy and the spark energy increase with the increase of the stored energy. In general, most of the capacitor released energy are consumed by circuit, including wire and switch. Just a little part of it (8.4%–13.3%) is transformed into electric spark energy. With the increasing of capacitor stored energy, the proportions of spark energy and wire-consumed energy to capacitor release energy increase gradually. While the proportion of switch-consumed energy to capacitor-released energy decreases gradually.
The variation of power of electric spark induced plasma with time follows exponentially damped sinusoids function. With the capacitor stored energy increase from 10 J to 1000 J, the maximum power of electric spark-induced plasma increased from 700 kW to 1700 kW and the duration of the discharge process increased from 0.01 ms to 0.05 ms.
We measured the histories of current and voltage of electric spark during the electric energy release process of capacitors. It is found that both voltage and current can be expressed as an exponentially damped sinusoids function
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